Reading Gives Me a Headache Now Reddit


What's a migraine? What does a migraine feel like?

A migraine is a mutual neurological disease that causes a variety of symptoms, most notably a throbbing, pulsing headache on 1 side of your head. Your migraine volition probable get worse with physical activeness, lights, sounds or smells. It may last at to the lowest degree four hours or even days. Near 12% of Americans have this genetic disorder. Inquiry shows that it's the 6th most disabling affliction in the world.

What are the types of headaches? What type of headache is a migraine?

In that location are over 150 types of headaches, divided into ii categories: primary headaches and secondary headaches. A migraine is a primary headache, meaning that it isn't caused by a different medical status. Master headache disorders are clinical diagnoses, meaning there's no blood test or imaging study to diagnose information technology. A secondary headache is a symptom of another health effect.

What is an aura?

An aura is a group of sensory, motor and speech symptoms that unremarkably act like alarm signals that a migraine headache is most to begin. Usually misinterpreted as a seizure or stroke, it typically happens before the headache pain, but tin sometimes announced during or fifty-fifty after. An aureola tin can last from 10 to 60 minutes. Near 15% to 20% of people who experience migraines have auras.

Aura symptoms are reversible, pregnant that they tin be stopped/healed. An aura produces symptoms that may include:

  • Seeing bright flashing dots, sparkles, or lights.
  • Blind spots in your vision.
  • Numb or tingling skin.
  • Voice communication changes.
  • Ringing in your ears (tinnitus).
  • Temporary vision loss.
  • Seeing wavy or jagged lines.
  • Changes in smell or taste.
  • A "funny" feeling.

What are the types of migraines?

There are several types of migraines, and the same type may go by different names:

  • Migraine with aura (complicated migraine): Around 15% to 20% of people with migraine headaches experience an aura.
  • Migraine without aura (common migraine): This type of migraine headache strikes without the warning an aureola may give you. The symptoms are the same, but that phase doesn't happen.
  • Migraine without head pain: "Silent migraine" or "acephalgic migraine," as this type is also known equally, includes the aureola symptom but non the headache that typically follows.
  • Hemiplegic migraine: You'll have temporary paralysis (hemiplegia) or neurological or sensory changes on i side of your body. The onset of the headache may be associated with temporary numbness, extreme weakness on ane side of your torso, a tingling sensation, a loss of awareness and dizziness or vision changes. Sometimes information technology includes head hurting and sometimes it doesn't.
  • Retinal migraine (ocular migraine): You may discover temporary, partial or complete loss of vision in one of your eyes, along with a tedious ache behind the heart that may spread to the rest of your caput. That vision loss may last a minute, or every bit long equally months. Y'all should always report a retinal migraine to a healthcare provider considering it could be a sign of a more serious issue.
  • Chronic migraine: A chronic migraine is when a migraine occurs at least 15 days per calendar month. The symptoms may alter ofttimes, and so may the severity of the pain. Those who get chronic migraines might exist using headache hurting medications more than ten to 15 days a month and that, unfortunately, can atomic number 82 to headaches that happen fifty-fifty more frequently.
  • Migraine with brainstem aureola. With this migraine, you lot'll have vertigo, slurred speech communication, double vision or loss of balance, which occur before the headache. The headache pain may bear on the back of your head. These symptoms commonly occur of a sudden and can exist associated with the inability to speak properly, ringing in the ears and vomiting.
  • Condition migrainosus. This is a rare and severe type of migraine that can terminal longer than 72 hours. The headache pain and nausea can be extremely bad. Sure medications, or medication withdrawal, can crusade you to accept this type of migraine.

What are the four stages or phases of a migraine? What'due south the timeline?

The four stages in chronological club are the prodrome (pre-monitory), aura, headache and postdrome. About thirty% of people feel symptoms before their headache starts.

The phases are:

  1. Prodrome: The first stage lasts a few hours, or it can terminal days. You may or may non experience information technology as it may not happen every time. Some know it as the "preheadache" or "premonitory" stage.
  2. Aura: The aura phase tin can concluding as long as threescore minutes or as footling as five. Most people don't feel an aureola, and some have both the aura and the headache at the same fourth dimension.
  3. Headache: Virtually four hours to 72 hours is how long the headache lasts. The discussion "ache" doesn't do the pain justice because sometimes it'southward mild, but commonly, information technology's described as drilling, throbbing or you may feel the sensation of an icepick in your head. Typically it starts on one side of your head and and so spreads to the other side.
  4. Postdrome: The postdrome stage goes on for a day or two. It's oftentimes called a migraine "hangover" and eighty% of those who take migraines experience it.

It can accept about 8 to 72 hours to go through the iv stages.

4 stages of migraine headache: prodrome, aura, headache, postdrome

How common are migraine headaches?

Experts estimate that nigh half of the adult population experiences headaches and 12% of Americans get migraine headaches. Women are about three times more likely than men to experience migraines.

Who gets migraines? What are the risk factors?

It'southward difficult to predict who may go a migraine and who may not, only there are adventure factors that may make yous more vulnerable. These adventure factors include:

  • Genetics: Up to 80% of people who get migraine headaches accept a get-go-caste relative with the affliction.
  • Gender. Migraine headaches happen to women more than men, particularly women between the ages of 15 and 55. Information technology'due south probable more common in women because of the influence of hormones.
  • Stress level. Y'all may go migraines more than often if y'all're high-stress. Stress tin trigger a migraine.
  • Smoking.

How oftentimes practice migraines happen?

The frequency of a migraine could be once a year, once a week or any amount of time in between. Having two to four migraine headaches per calendar month is the well-nigh common.

Are migraines hereditary?

Migraines tend to run in families. As many as four out of v people with migraines have a family history. If one parent has a history of migraines, their child has a fifty% chance of having them. If both parents take a history of migraines, the risk jumps to 75%. Again, up to fourscore% of people with migraines have a start-degree relative with the affliction.

Can children go migraines?

Yes, but pediatric migraines are often shorter and in that location are more tum symptoms.

Who should I see about my migraine pain?

Talk over your symptoms with your primary care provider first. They can diagnose migraine headaches and start treatment. You may require a referral to a headache specialist.

Do migraines cause permanent encephalon damage? If I have migraines, does that hateful I'll get another illness?

No. Migraines don't cause brain damage.

There is a tiny risk of stroke in people who get migraines with aura – one or 2 people out of 100,000.

Symptoms and Causes

What are the symptoms of migraines??

The primary symptom of migraine is a headache. Pain is sometimes described as pounding or throbbing. Information technology can begin equally a ho-hum ache that develops into pulsing pain that is mild, moderate or severe. If left untreated, your headache hurting volition become moderate to severe. Pain can shift from one side of your head to the other, or information technology can touch the front of your caput, the back of your head or feel similar it'southward affecting your whole head. Some people feel pain around their heart or temple, and sometimes in their face up, sinuses, jaw or cervix.

Other symptoms of migraine headaches include:

  • Sensitivity to calorie-free, noise and odors.
  • Nausea and vomiting, upset stomach and abdominal pain.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Feeling very warm (sweating) or cold (chills).
  • Pale skin color (pallor).
  • Feeling tired.
  • Dizziness and blurred vision.
  • Tender scalp.
  • Diarrhea (rare).
  • Fever (rare).

Most migraines last well-nigh iv hours, although severe ones can last much longer.

Each stage of the migraine set on can come with different symptoms:

Prodrome symptoms:

  • Issues concentrating.
  • Irritability and/or depression.
  • Difficulty speaking and reading.
  • Difficulty sleeping. Yawning.
  • Nausea.
  • Fatigue.
  • Sensitivity to light and sound.
  • Nutrient cravings.
  • Increased urination.
  • Musculus stiffness.

Aureola symptoms:

  • Numbness and tingling.
  • Visual disturbances. You might exist seeing the world as if through a kaleidoscope, take blurry spots or see sparkles or lines.
  • Temporary loss of sight.
  • Weakness on one side of the torso.
  • Voice communication changes.

Headache symptoms:

  • Neck pain, stiffness.
  • Depression, giddiness and/or feet.
  • Sensitivity to light, smell and sound.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Insomnia.
  • Nausea and vomiting.

Postdrome symptoms:

  • Inability to concentrate.
  • Depressed mood.
  • Fatigue.
  • Lack of comprehension.
  • Euphoric mood.

What causes a migraine?

The cause of migraine headaches is complicated and non fully understood. When yous have a headache information technology's because specific nerves in your blood vessels transport pain signals to your brain. This releases inflammatory substances into the nerves and blood vessels of your head. Information technology'due south unclear why your nerves exercise that.

What triggers a migraine?

Migraine attacks tin can exist triggered past a diversity of factors. Common triggers include:

  • Emotional stress . Emotional stress is one of the most mutual triggers of migraine headaches. During stressful events, certain chemicals in the encephalon are released to combat the situation (known as the "flight or fight" response). The release of these chemicals can bring on a migraine. Other emotions similar anxiety, worry and excitement can increment muscle tension and dilate blood vessels. That can make your migraine more astringent.
  • Missing a meal. Delaying a meal might also trigger your migraine headache.
  • Sensitivity to specific chemicals and preservatives in foods. Certain foods and beverages such as aged cheese, alcoholic beverages, chocolate and food additives such as nitrates (institute in pepperoni, hot dogs and luncheon meats) and fermented or pickled foods may be responsible for triggering up to xxx% of migraines.
  • Caffeine . Having too much caffeine or withdrawal from caffeine can crusade headaches when the caffeine level abruptly drops. Your blood vessels seem to go sensitized to caffeine and when you don't become it, a headache may occur. Caffeine is sometimes recommended by healthcare providers to help with treating acute migraine attacks but should non be used oftentimes.
  • Daily use of pain-relieving medications. If you use medicine meant to relieve headache pain also often, that can cause a rebound headache.
  • Hormonal changes in women. Migraines in women are more mutual effectually the time of their menstrual periods. The abrupt drib in estrogen that triggers menstruum can too trigger migraines. Hormonal changes tin also be brought on by birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy. Migraines are generally worse between puberty and menopause since these estrogen fluctuations by and large don't occur in immature girls and post-menopausal women. If your hormones are a stiff cistron in your migraines, you may have fewer headaches later menopause. Hormonal changes do not appear to trigger migraines in men.
  • Light. Flashing lights, fluorescent lights, lite from the Goggle box or computer and sunlight tin trigger you.

Other possible triggers include:

  • Changing weather conditions such as tempest fronts, barometric pressure changes, strong winds or changes in altitude.
  • Existence overly tired. Overexertion.
  • Dieting, or not drinking plenty h2o.
  • Changes in your normal sleep pattern.
  • Loud noises.
  • Exposure to fume, perfumes or other odors.
  • Certain medications crusade claret vessels to great.

Diagnosis and Tests

What's a migraine journal?

  • Keeping a migraine journal is not simply beneficial to you, simply it helps your healthcare provider with the diagnosis procedure. Your journal should be detailed and updated as much as possible before, during and afterward a migraine assail. Consider keeping track of the following:
  • The date and fourth dimension of when the migraine began – specifically when the prodrome started, if you're able to tell it's happening. Track time passing. When did the aureola phase begin? The headache? The postdrome? Practice your all-time to tell what stage you're in and how long information technology lasts. If there's a design, that may aid you anticipate what volition happen in the future.
  • What are your symptoms? Be specific.
  • Notation how many hours of sleep you lot got the night before it happened and your stress level. What's causing your stress?
  • Note the weather.
  • Log your food and water intake. Did you eat something that triggered the migraine? Did yous miss a meal?
  • Describe the type of pain and charge per unit it on a one to 10 scale with 10 being the worst pain y'all've ever experienced.
  • Where is the hurting located? One side of your head? Your jaw? Your eye?
  • List all of the medications you took. This includes whatever daily prescriptions, whatsoever supplements and whatever pain medication you lot took.
  • How did you endeavour to care for your migraine, and did it work? What medicine did y'all have, at what dosage, at what time?
  • Consider other triggers. Mayhap you lot played basketball in the sunlight? Maybe you watched a movie that had flashing lights? If you're a woman, are you on your period?

There are some smartphone apps you can use to keep a migraine journal if you don't want to use pen and paper.

How are migraines diagnosed?

To diagnose a migraine, your healthcare provider will get a thorough medical history, not just your history of headaches merely your family'south, likewise. Also, they'll desire to establish a history of your migraine-related symptoms, likely asking you to:

  • Describe your headache symptoms. How severe are they?
  • Remember when you get them. During your menstruum, for example?
  • Describe the type and location of your pain. Is the pain pounding? Pulsing? Throbbing?
  • Recall if annihilation makes your headache meliorate or worse.
  • Tell how ofttimes you get migraine headaches.
  • Talk near the activities, foods, stressors or the situations that may have brought on the migraine.
  • Discuss what medications you take to relieve the pain and how often y'all accept them.
  • Tell how you felt before, during and later on the headache.
  • Call back if anyone in your family gets migraine headaches.

Your healthcare provider may also order blood tests and imaging tests (such every bit a CT scan or a MRI) to brand sure there are no other causes for your headache. An electroencephalogram (EEG) may be ordered to rule out seizures.

What symptoms must y'all have to exist diagnosed with a migraine?

Migraine with aureola (complicated migraine). This is a headache, plus:

  • Visual symptoms (seeing spots, sparkles, or lines) or vision loss.
  • Sensory symptoms (feeling pins and needles, for example).

Migraine without aureola (common migraine). A common migraine is a headache and:

  • The attacks included pain on one side of your head.
  • Yous've had at least v attacks, each lasting between 4 and 72 hours.

Plus, you lot've experienced at least one of the following:

  • Nausea and/or vomiting.
  • Lights bother you lot and/or you avoid calorie-free.
  • Sounds bother you and/or you lot avoid sounds.

Are migraines misdiagnosed?

Sometimes you or your healthcare provider may assume that the pain yous're feeling is a sinus headache or a tension-type headache. Show your healthcare provider your migraine journal so that they can acquire about your unique situation.

Management and Treatment

How are migraines treated?

Migraine headaches are chronic. They can't be cured, just they tin be managed and maybe improved. At that place are two main treatment approaches that use medications: abortive and preventive.

  • Abortive medications are most effective when you apply them at the first sign of a migraine. Take them while the pain is balmy. By possibly stopping the headache process, abortive medications assistance stop or decrease your migraine symptoms, including pain, nausea, light sensitivity, etc. Some abortive medications work by constricting your claret vessels, bringing them back to normal and relieving the throbbing pain.
  • Preventive (prophylactic) medications may be prescribed when your headaches are severe, occur more than than 4 times a month and are significantly interfering with your normal activities. Preventive medications reduce the frequency and severity of the headaches. Medications are more often than not taken on a regular, daily ground to help preclude migraines.

What medications are used to salvage migraine hurting?

Over-the-counter medications are effective for some people with mild to moderate migraines. The chief ingredients in pain relieving medications are ibuprofen, aspirin, acetaminophen, naproxen and caffeine.

3 over-the-counter products canonical past the Food and Drug Administration for migraine headaches are:

  • Excedrin® Migraine.
  • Advil® Migraine.
  • Motrin® Migraine Pain.

Exist cautious when taking over-the-counter pain relieving medications. Sometimes overusing them can cause analgesic-rebound headaches or a dependency problem. If you're taking any over-the-counter pain medications more than 2 to three times a calendar week, report that to your healthcare provider. They may suggest prescription medications that may exist more effective.

Prescription drugs for migraine headaches include:

Triptan class of drugs (these are abortives):

  • Sumatriptan.
  • Zolmitriptan.
  • Naratriptan.

Calcium channel blockers:

  • Verapamil.

Calcitonin gene-related (CGRP) monoclonal antibodies:

  • Erenumab.
  • Fremanezumab.
  • Galcanezumab.
  • Eptinezumab.

Beta blockers:

  • Atenolol.
  • Propranolol.
  • Nadolol.


  • Amitriptyline.
  • Nortriptyline.
  • Doxepin.
  • Venlafaxine.
  • Duloxetine.

Antiseizure drugs:

  • Valproic acid.
  • Topiramate.


  • Steroids.
  • Phenothiazines.
  • Corticosteroids.

Your healthcare provider might recommend vitamins, minerals, or herbs, including:

  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2).
  • Magnesium.
  • Feverfew.
  • Butterbur.
  • Co-enzyme Q10.

Drugs to relieve migraine pain come in a variety of formulations including pills, tablets, injections, suppositories and nasal sprays. You and your healthcare provider will hash out the specific medication, combination of medications and formulations to best run into your unique headache hurting.

Drugs to save nausea are too prescribed, if needed.

All medications should be used nether the direction of a headache specialist or healthcare provider familiar with migraine therapy. Equally with any medication, it'south of import to carefully follow the label instructions and your healthcare provider's advice.

Culling migraine management methods, besides known as home remedies, include:

  • Resting in a dark, tranquility, cool room.
  • Applying a cold compress or washcloth to your forehead or behind your neck. (Some people prefer heat.)
  • Massaging your scalp.
  • Yoga.
  • Applying pressure to your temples in a circular move.
  • Keeping yourself in a calm state. Meditating.
  • Biofeedback.

What'south biofeedback?

Biofeedback is the use of special equipment strapped to your caput. The equipment measures the physical tension in your body and alerts you when you need to command your stress, which changes the concrete processes related to stress. You lot won't have to use the equipment forever because you'll learn how to detect the tension on your own. The device works on children too as adults.

Are in that location surgical procedures that relieve migraines?

Surgical treatments are not generally recommended for migraine headaches.

What are the treatment options for migraine headaches during pregnancy?

Avert medications for migraines when yous're pregnant, or if you lot recall you lot may be significant. They can negatively bear on your infant. With your healthcare provider's permission, you may exist able to take a balmy pain reliever like acetaminophen.


Tin migraine headaches exist prevented?

There is no cure for migraine headaches, only you can have an agile role in managing them, maybe reducing how oft you get them and perchance controlling how astringent they are by following these tips:

  • Proceed a migraine diary. Take notes about any foods and other triggers that you think may have caused you to develop a migraine. Brand changes in your nutrition and avert those triggers as much every bit possible.
  • Get a prescription for CGRP monoclonal antibodies. This injection was created specifically to aid with migraines.
  • Become 7 to 9 hours of sleep a dark.
  • Eat at regular intervals. Don't skip meals. Potable plenty of water.
  • Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Learn techniques to control stress such as meditation, yoga, relaxation training, or mindful breathing.
  • Take medications equally directed by your healthcare provider. Preventative medications include antidepressants, anti-seizure medications, calcitonin gene-related peptides, medicines that lower blood pressure and Botox injections. You might be prescribed timolol, amitriptyline, topiramate and divalproex sodium. Notice that some of the same medications that tin help you manage a migraine may also help prevent ane.
  • Talk to your healthcare provider about hormone therapy if your migraines are thought to be linked to your menstrual cycle.
  • Consider trying a transcutaneous supraorbital nerve stimulation device. This battery-powered electrical stimulator device is approved by the Nutrient and Drug Administration to preclude migraines. The device, worn similar a headband or on your arm, emits electric charges. The charge stimulates the nerve that transmits some of the hurting experienced in migraine headaches. (The device may non exist covered by your wellness insurance.)
  • Get counseling from a therapist for help controlling your stress. Ask your healthcare provider for a referral.

Outlook / Prognosis

What is the prognosis (outlook) for people with migraines?

Migraines are unique to each private. Likewise, how migraines are managed is likewise unique. The best outcomes are usually achieved past learning and avoiding personal migraine triggers, managing symptoms, practicing preventive methods, following the advice of your healthcare provider and reporting whatever significant changes as soon as they occur.

Is there a cure for migraines?

Although there isn't a cure, at that place are treatments that may aid you lot manage the symptoms.

How long will I have migraine headaches?

You may experience migraine headaches for the residuum of your life. If your migraines are caused past your period, you may stop having them when menopause starts.

Living With

When should I seek immediate aid, or contact my healthcare provider?

Phone call 911 or go to an emergency department right away if:

  • Y'all are experiencing the "worst headache of my life."
  • You are having neurologic symptoms that you've never had before, including speaking difficulty, rest bug, vision problems, mental confusion, seizures or numbing/tingling sensations.
  • Your headache comes on suddenly.
  • You take a headache after experiencing a head injury.

Schedule a visit with your healthcare provider if:

  • The number or severity of your headaches increase or your headache pattern changes.
  • Your medications no longer seem to be working or y'all're experiencing new or dissimilar side furnishings.

What questions should I ask my healthcare provider?

  • Volition my child grow out of their migraines?
  • What medications do you recommend for me?
  • What should I change most my lifestyle to prevent my migraine headaches?
  • Should I get tested?
  • What type of migraine practice I have?
  • What can my friends and family unit do to aid?
  • Are my migraines considered chronic?

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Migraine headaches tin can be devastating and make it impossible to become to work, school or experience other daily activities. Fortunately, there are some ways to mayhap prevent a migraine and other ways to help you manage and suffer the symptoms. Work with your healthcare provider to keep migraines from ruling your life.


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