Trees Burning Drawings for Tattoos

Body decoration, and tattoos in particular, is a wonderful way to share your history, triumphs, and feelings in a public way.

Whether you're getting a pine or oak tree inked on your body, you should know the significance behind these designs.

Whether you're getting a pine or oak tree inked on your body, you should know the significance behind these designs.

Designing Your Own Tree Tattoo

I got my first tattoo when I was 18. It was a little heart on my lower back, and it hurt less than I thought it would. But the pain was less important than the point behind it.

Getting a tattoo is permanent, and while some people like just to grab something that catches their fancy because it's pretty or scary or popular, others like to do research and spend time figuring out exactly what they want and why they want it. This article is not written for those who want to copy someone else's tattoo, but rather for those who are looking for ideas and inspiration while they design their own unique and thoroughly meaningful tree tattoo design.

Below, you'll find interpretations of what trees mean and some links to resources for images to use to help jump-start your imagination.

If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees.

— Hal Borland

Religious and Cultural Meaning of Tree Tattoos

As a general rule, trees are thought of as long-lasting and resilient. They survive a long time (from 50 to 5000 years), weathering storms and elements, which makes them a sign of strength and adaptability to many societies. They offer safety to creatures who live in their branches, travelers who rest in their shade, and anyone building their home with lumber. Trees provide apples, pears, and stone fruit and provide medicine to many cultures. These nutritious and medicinal trees have accumulated additional layers of importance and meaning.

Tree worship (aka dendrolatry) is the age-old, multi-cultural practice of worshipping or otherwise mythologizing trees. Some people found certain trees to be sacred, such as the Celts and Greeks who revered oak trees. The Celts honored many trees that were thought to have special powers and also to serve as fairy houses. Druids (and other pagans) met in sacred groves, especially the oak, and the term "druid" may come from the Celtic word for oak.

Germans felt that way about lime and linden, Scandinavians about ash, and Lebanese about cedar trees. Buddha reportedly saw Bodhi trees as the symbol of enlightenment; for Hindus, the peepal (or sacred fig or Bodhi tree) is also spiritually and holistically important and is used to treat asthma, jaundice, diabetes, epilepsy, gastric problems, inflammation, and infections. The Hindus also worship the banyan, Ashoka, and sandalwood trees. In the Bible's story of Genesis, the tree of life in the Garden of Eden contained all knowledge of good and evil. In Judaism, in the Kabbalah, the tree of life represents a sacred geometry represented as a diagram of ten points.

Today, a form of tree worship can be seen in the Christmas tree, which many people (Christian and not) bring into their homes during the holiday season and decorate with ornaments and lights. According to the Encyclopædia Britannica,

The use of evergreen trees, wreaths, and garlands to symbolize eternal life was a custom of the ancient Egyptians, Chinese, and Hebrews. Tree worship was common among the pagan Europeans and survived their conversion to Christianity in the Scandinavian customs of decorating the house and barn with evergreens at the New Year to scare away the devil.

In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they're still beautiful.

— Alice Walker

A Celtic tree of life tattoo.

A Celtic tree of life tattoo.

Tree of Life Tattoos

The mythology of the tree of life can be found in various religions, philosophies, histories, and cultures, and while its meaning and design vary, the general thought behind it is the same. This tree (also known as the sacred tree, the tree of knowledge, the tree of immortality, the world tree, or the cosmic tree) alludes to the interconnectedness of living things and serves as a metaphor for the idea that we all come from the same life source.

The tree of life symbolizes immortality and eternity, knowledge and wisdom, strength and protection, abundance and growth, forgiveness and salvation. In many tattoos, the tree of life is drawn with its roots and branches intertwined in a circle.

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Cherry Blossom Tree Tattoos

In Asian cultures, cherry blossoms are thought to symbolize feminine beauty. Because of this, and because it's easier to have a simple cherry blossom bough instead of a whole tree, they are popular choices for women.

To the Chinese, the cherry blossom tree is more about femininity and grace. The Japanese see it as not just a symbol of womanhood but also as a symbol of life, as the tree itself displays its annual evolutions in a very showy way, and in the spring, the blooms only last a few spectacular weeks.

Tree on foot tattoo

Tree on foot tattoo

The Meaning of Leaves, Roots, Branches, or Flowers in Tree Tattoos

There is meaning in a barren or leafless tree, just as there is meaning in a tree with leaves, flowers, or roots.

  • Roots: Symbolic signs of a connection to the past, roots can also represent the deep, complicated, and invisible ways the tree supports itself and finds nourishment. Roots can indicate that the tattooed person is connected to their past, their ancestors, or their family. Roots can also show that the person with the tattoo feels well-grounded and strong.
  • Leaves: On the other hand, leaves can have very different meanings. To some, leaves stand for growth and rebirth because the tree gets new leaves every year. To others, though, the leaves stand for impermanence and things that fade, the cyclic shedding of the old to make way for the new. The size and color of the leaf matter, too. Fresh young leaves are most often used to show new growth while full-size mature leaves may represent an accumulation of years. Using fall colors can also reflect maturity or growth. Decaying leaves are the most negative of the leaves as they show death or dying.
  • Flowers: Often represent literal and figurative blossoming, particularly when referring to a woman, and often represent a sexual awakening. The blossoming of a flower is an apt symbol for the blooming of a girl into womanhood. Flowers also signify innocence, virginity, tranquility, and springtime (or youth) in general. Flowers are visual reminders of nature's bounty (as flowers are the first evolution of fruit), beauty, and also life's transient nature (which is why you see them at funerals).
  • Bare branches: Like the unadorned arms of the tree, bare branches reach out and upward toward the unknown. On a family tree, the branches represent individuals. There's something rather vulnerable and eerie about bare branches, which invoke the cold and darkness of winter. To extend an olive branch represents an attempt at repairing a broken relationship and a desire for peace.

Many people use the tree to symbolize the stages, cycles, and seasons of life; with this in mind, a tree with buds might represent youth, one with flowers might represent adolescence or sexual awakening, one with fruit could symbolize maturity or fecundity, and bare branches may represent old age.

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

— Anais Nin

The Family Tree.

The Family Tree.

Custom artwork designed by Anji Marth. (Please don't get the same tattoo! The original wearer would be very sad.)

Custom artwork designed by Anji Marth. (Please don't get the same tattoo! The original wearer would be very sad.)

A wind has blown the rain away and blown the sky away and all the leaves away, and the trees stand. I think, I too, have known autumn too long.

— e. e. cummings

Types of Trees and Their Meanings

Depending on the culture, there are multiple interpretations of the meanings of different types of trees. However, here are some basic thoughts to keep in mind for tree tattoos.

  • Apple trees: Apples appear in many religious traditions, often as a mystical or forbidden fruit. They can be dual-natured: They represent evil and temptation due to the Biblical use of the apple tree in the fall of Adam of Eve, but they also represent knowledge and learning.
  • Ash trees: Ash trees can be huge in diameter and towering in height, some over 200 feet tall. You can imagine the root system required to support this kind of growth. Its heft, size, and deep and complicated root system can all work as metaphors: The ash speaks of growth, expansion, and higher perspective. Ash trees also often have spiritual significance and are used as offerings to the god(s) or as symbols of spiritual awareness or enlightenment.
  • Aspen trees: In literature, lore, and legend, you'll find many mentions of quivering aspen leaves. Anyone who's familiar with this tree has seen it dance in the wind. Druids went to aspen groves to watch nature dance and used aspens as auguries. Aspens symbolize a positive end of something (conquering fear or doubt, overcoming hardship), but can also represent mourning or lamentation.
  • Bay trees: Bay Laurel was believed to aid in communication with the spirits of prophecy and poetry. Bay trees surrounded the temple of Apollo to cleanse souls before they entered. Bay is thought to bring awareness of past lives and buried memories and stimulate psychic awareness. It's a very positive tree that symbolizes glory and honor or rewards.
  • Beech trees: A sturdy and impressive tree with smooth, grey bark, a short trunk, and wide-spreading branches, the beech is often seen as a representation of lost wisdom and the knowledge and teachings of ancestors or the past. The beech may be a sign of prosperity, knowledge, or patience.
  • Birch trees: Another positive tree with many medicinal properties, they are often used for new beginnings, rebirth, renewal, and cleansing. With its characteristic white bark, the birch was used for protection: on Midsummer's Eve, boughs were hung over doors to ward off bad luck, and on Mayday, birches were decorated with rags to ward off evil. The traditional witch's broom was made of birch twig.
  • Cedar trees: The cedar tree has been revered by many for thousands of years, its wood used to make doors for sacred structures and burned in cleansing rituals of purification. The tree was thought to house gods and serve as a passageway to higher realms. Think of your cedar closet—these trees are about protection and incorruptibility.
  • Cypress trees: The Egyptians used cypress to protect mummies, and the Greeks and Romans used it to make coffins or urns to bury the dead and also buried branches of cypress with their dead. Muslims and Christians both planted cypress in cemeteries to ward off evil spirits. While the aspect of protection is positive, the cypress also represents mourning, death, and sorrow.
  • Dogwood trees: Prized for its delicate flowers and scent and known for its hard wood, the dogwood makes an interesting choice for a tattoo because it is said to represent indifference and apathy.
  • Elm trees: These show commitment and dignity.
  • Fig trees: A fig leaf is often used to convey the figurative covering-up of something that is embarrassing or distasteful, probably stemming from the Bible story in which Adam and Eve used fig leaves to hide their nudity after eating from the tree of knowledge. Many paintings and statues use fig leaves to cover the genitals of their subjects. Thus, fig trees, which are known for their longevity and overabundance, can represent fecundity or an attempt to hide it, but they also might represent a lack of shame.
  • Hawthorn trees: Another of the positive tree symbols, these are about contentment, happiness, and hope for the future.
  • Hazel trees: Often thought of as feminine and natural, they can represent wisdom or concealment.
  • Holly trees: Because of the religious overtones, they are used to symbolize faithfulness, protection, and spirituality.
  • Joshua trees: Another tree with biblical and religious overtones, they are used to show praise, worship, and strong will.
  • Laurel trees: While mostly a positive tree that symbolizes tenacity, victory, and heroism, it can also be seen as a symbol of deception.
  • Linden trees: Closely connected to marriage, these trees symbolize monogamy and love.
  • Maple trees: Used to symbolize balance, harmony, and duty.
  • Oak trees: Celts honored oak trees as holy things and believed they could access different psychic realms by "opening the oak door." Oak represents durability, strength, endurance, liberty, and bravery.
  • Poplar trees: A tree that may be seen as negative, it is often associated with death, burial, and mourning.
  • Walnut trees: According to Native Americans, walnut trees are symbols of clarity and focus.
  • White pine trees: Native Americans believe that these trees symbolize serenity.
  • Willow trees: Freedom, healing, and love lost. They also take on more mystical meanings and can be seen as symbols of magic, inner vision, and dreams.
  • Yew trees: To some, these are positive, showing signs of resurrection and rebirth, but they also have a negative side of sadness and piety.

Alternative Meanings of Tree Tattoos

Not all tree tattoos have to have meanings. Or, sometimes, they might have a meaning that you don't believe or ascribe to. Remember, it's your tattoo, and, therefore, means whatever you want it to mean. It's good to know what others might think when they see it, but it all boils down to how you want to decorate your body, and what your tattoo represents to you, individually.

Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong.

— Winston Churchill

Where to Put Your Tree Tattoo (Placement and Pain)

Just like the meaning of your tattoo might be different for you than for everyone else, where to place it is also a very personal decision. Of course, size matters! If you want a large piece, your back may be just the place. But be careful—remember that any spot that is usually covered by clothing or is close to a bone (such as a shoulder) will often be more sensitive than other spots. Other painful spots are spines, hips, ankles, and feet.

Women often choose to put tattoos on their breasts—and men on their upper arm—simply because those are considered the "least painful" spots, but don't let the fear of pain or the pain itself determine your decision. Take a look at the tree you love and figure out for yourself where you will most enjoy seeing it or showing it off to others.

The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.

— Moliere

Where to Find Images

If flash is your thing, you can go to almost any tattoo studio and check out their walls and books of flash. If you prefer to go prepared, there are also flash websites online. A few good ones include Tattoo Johnny, Free Tattoo Designs, and Pinterest Tree Tattoo Designs.

You can also have an artist create a unique design. Some tattoo artists do original creations, so call and ask your local shop. Another option is to contract with an artist. Even Etsy includes listings of artists who have created tree tattoo flash or are willing to do custom work.

Questions & Answers

Question: I want to get a tree tattoo to symbolize my son's death, what would you suggest?

Answer: Without knowing what you want it to symbolize, I personally would suggest something to celebrate his life. Get a tree that shows the life he had, with strong roots. Depending on his age, you may want to add leaves to show that - for examples, if he was 15, then get 15 leaves. (The leaves used as age markers don't work well if he was older when he died.) You can have flowers on the ground around the tree to show that he's left. Think of what would remind you of him most. Look at what type of tree you think of him as - strong? Flexible? For example, if you want to show that he was flexible, you might choose a palm tree, perhaps with his initials "carved" in it.

Question: What would a bare tree with watercolor flames tattoo symbolize? It's what I want in memory of my sister, but I'm curious if it would have a meaning already.

Answer: Your connection to it is the most important one, but I can understand wanting to know what others might interpret it to mean. Bare branches tend to stand in for old age or even death. Flames, especially colorful ones, may invoke thoughts of rebirth, connected phoenixes rising from the ashes. Flames also represent cleansing or cleaning. No matter what the expected symbolism is, your personal meaning is more meaningful than all the others.

Question: I want to get a tree of life tattoo with two birds to represent my deceased mother and sister, should I include leaves?

Answer: The use of leaves is up to you - what meaning do you draw for them? Leaves can mean that you're seeing this as a circle of life - that dying is simply a shift to a new form of being. Do you believe in reincarnation? You might try some fresh leaves to show that you believe they have moved into another form. You could include decaying leaves, as they are meant to show death or dying, but I prefer to use more positive imagery, even if it is meant to be about death. You are trying to keep their memories alive. Ask yourself what the leaves would symbolize to you - it doesn't have to follow the traditional beliefs. This is a very personal thing, so consider what you believe.

Question: I am 51 and have four kids: a 28 year old son from my first marriage, 18 and 19 year old daughters from my second marriage, and a 10 year old from a relationship. I have great relationships with all of them. I want to make a tree tattoo that represents my life with them. Any ideas on what tree I could use?

Answer: My immediate thoughts would be to focus on the leaves and the roots. Having a lot of roots shows family connections. You'll also want to look at leaves. Personally, I would include a leaf for each child. You may even want to leave room to include grandchildren that may come later. Two trees that I would suggest are cedar trees, as they show protection and incorruptibility, and hawthorn trees, which focus on contentment, happiness, and hope for the future.

Question: What about Pine or Spruce trees?

Answer: Pine trees are well known as fertility symbols, but they also can symbolize wisdom and longevity. Like a spruce tree, the pine also symbolizes peace. When it comes to spruce or other coniferous trees, the symbolism attached is protection or luck. Both are good to symbolize family or relationships that are successful or that you want to protect, such as children or parents.

Question: I would like a small tattoo, and I'd like it to represent faith and living as I intend to focus on my strength and move past distress, any suggestions?

Answer: Some suggestions for the types of trees would be beech (it is a sign of knowledge and patience) or a birch tree (representing new beginnings and cleansing). The leaves that you have on the tree can add to that meaning. Young leaves or buds tend to show the growth or rebirth that we experience in the spring. Full-size mature leaves may represent an accumulation of years. Roots are a connection to the past, so they might not be the right choice for you. I hope you find the tree tattoo that speaks to you.

© 2012 Katherine Sanger

Tina on August 08, 2019:

I recently broke my back in a horse back riding accident. To repair broken back they took out a rib to get to spine. I have huge scar on my side now. Looking for ideas to cover the scar. Something to represent the event, strength, blessings for not being paralyzed. Any ideas

Clara on October 12, 2018:

Thank you for sharing this, it has really cheered me up when I needed it the most.

Wow, thanks for bringing this depth of information about these tattoos to my attention.

Claire A on October 08, 2018:

Thank you for sharing this, it has really cheered me up when I needed it the most. x

TwistedTraditions on April 08, 2018:

Thanks for this enlightening, we'll wri article! I am researching information for my next tattoo, at tree of life! A deeply twisted trunk and branches are an important aspect, as it represents not only my battle with Rheumatoid Arthritis and cancer but also also the ability to move and adapt with anything life throws at me. Deep roots to show strengths of self and family. Many twisting branches with a scattering of leaves and a survivor ribbon for RA and my cancer. And "3 little birds" because "every little thing is gonna be alright"! Lastly, I plan to get it on my upper arm with the roots winding around my arm at my elbow and the branches and leaves draping over my shoulder and chest to show rebellion and new dedication to self; all of my adult life I've had to creatively hide my tattoos due to dress codes showing conformity and dedication to my nursing career taking care of others. Now that I'm retired my life is dedicated to focusing on my family, my self, my life!!

jason on March 03, 2018:

what a great article and videos thank you for putting this up

waje on February 27, 2018:

nice job

Jaimeee on October 11, 2017:

They are beauty! I liked of all!

Tom on September 07, 2017:

That is deep.

Andre on June 20, 2017:

Thank you. Excellent information, validation & depth.

christian on May 10, 2017:

i have always liked tree tattoos and looking at a lot of them i decided to look up the meaning behind some and i found great reasons for getting one i would just like to say that i have done a lot and been through a lot and i know that im not the only one. so what im sying is my reason for getting a tree tattoo is for the reason is that even through all my hurt, anger, and agony i grew to be who i am today. im proud to be someone thats easy to get along with someone that is important to people that know what has happened. my growth in the world has been a long hard road but i made it and thats my reason.

khushi on September 06, 2016:

Can anyone tell me wind tree with birds what does means???

Ashley on July 29, 2016:

Thank you for the great, and interesting, information on the different meaning of trees/tattoos. I am working on designing one of my next tattoos and one might involve the tree of life...this article was very helpful in helping me to determine meaning. Someone actually was once giving me a hard time (somewhat) about how my tattoos don't relate to one another (I currently have 6), but each one was chosen and/or designed for a specific reason and each one holds meaning.

PAYAL MOTLA on March 09, 2016:

Interesting and well in depth . The writer has carefully analysed about what each part of the tree signifies.

Barbara on March 07, 2016:

Thank you, this was very helpful for me to decide on the kind of tree I should get.

toteallynerdy on February 22, 2016:

I have two tattoos now, both of which have deep meaning for me. I am looking for a great tattoo for my rib that will be on of three more I'd like to get. I love tattoos and you've done an amazing job in the depth and research that has gone into this post, thank you for your dedication to the topic and sharing it with us all!

Adney john on February 21, 2016:

Wow, thanks for bringing this depth of information about these tattoos to my attention.

gaurav oberoi on February 15, 2016:

one hell of a description. great job

Kawai on February 11, 2016:

Interesting read even though I don't think I will ever get a tattoo. Didn't know that there's so many different types of meaning behind each tattoo. One should really be careful before getting one. Sometimes I see people with Chinese characters tattoo. Although they look cool I do think they should do more research in the meaning before getting one. Good job! on February 10, 2016:

Trees are revered as symbolic totems whether it's about producing food essential for the creation of or sustaining an existence, offering shelter from the elements, or simply representative in its own form.

James Smith on February 09, 2016:

Wow, thanks for bringing this depth of information about these tattoos to my attention.

Todd McCown from San Antonio on February 08, 2016:

Very nice!

Akshay Sood from India on February 05, 2016:

Really nice hub ...loved the part where you described each tree. Nice work

Sanghita Chatterjee from Kolkata on February 02, 2016:

I will never get a tatoo done, but your article has given me a very nice insight about the true meaning of tree tatoos. At least I have started taking tatoos seriously! Thank you for this beautiful article!

Hilary Clark from La Jolla, California on January 26, 2016:

You can't go wrong with a tree tattoo!

Di Connor on January 26, 2016:

I'm getting mine done tomorrow I just have to decide on which one, I've got 4 styles I'm looking at .

Monique from Wichita, Ks on January 26, 2016:

Great hub!

Ashley Ferguson from Indiana/Chicagoland on January 24, 2016:

Love this hub. I want to get an ash tree. I can't wait!! :)

Treathyl FOX from Austin, Texas on January 23, 2016:

What an odd topic to write about. It was fascinating! I love trees. But I'll never get a tattoo. Wouldn't want to ruin lovely with wrinkled sagging skin. :)

porkchopplanetary from Alexandria on January 22, 2016:

Loved your hub.

MissBella on January 22, 2016:

wow you don't realise there is so much behind a tattoo thanks for sharing xx

Back to Basics from California on January 20, 2016:

This Hub is amazing, I am so fascinated with tree tattoos. What a great read, thank you! :)

Marilyn from Nevada on January 20, 2016:

Fabulous page! I have a lower back tattoo and do not regret it for a moment! If I do get another one it will be most likely a tree of some sort on my ankle. A lot of meaning behind those trees!

Patricia J D from Mexico City on January 19, 2016:

Really interesting! I have seen an increase on tree tattoos lately, but I´ve never stopped to think about the meaning of those trees. I thought that it was only a fad, but thanks to you, I know a little bit more about them.

Mounota Rahman from USA on January 18, 2016:

nice tree logo

Katrina Ariel from The Highlands of British Columbia, Canada on January 12, 2016:

I love trees. I only have one tattoo (of mountains, ocean, the sun, and an Om symbol), but if I got another I'd probably get a tree. You did a FABULOUS job on this hub. Tons of useful and interesting info. Thanks!

Chuck Machado from United States on January 11, 2016:

Amazing work.

More from Chiapas , Mexico on January 11, 2016:

Very Nice!

DabbleYou on January 10, 2016:

I'm just wondering, what if the artist make a mistake in his/her artwork, can it be changed? I can just imagine the pain you have to go through. You'll live with it for the rest of your life.

Anyway, thanks for a useful information. Great hub.

NekoLoko from Florida on January 08, 2016:

Nice hub! And I like the cherry blossom tree tattoos and you explained everything really well

Prachi Sharma from Seattle, WA on December 26, 2015:

i didn't know all this. Thank you for sharing the information.!!!!!

prasanjith kumar on December 25, 2015:

I really love tatoos.... I always think awhile before putting a tattoo on me to make sure it is meaningful to me...

Linda Robinson from Cicero, New York on December 21, 2015:

Fantastic hub, really enjoyed it. Terrific writing and so much detail and awesome information. The explanations and photos added so much. I look forward to reading many more of your hubs. And so nice to meet you and glad to be following you. Linda

Anna Rose Carwel from 80- A Ampaguey Cmpd., Purok 4, East Bayan Aurora Hill, Baguio City on December 20, 2015:

Interesting! Such an art! I never thought that some kinds of tree have its own meaning. Great information to be learned about.

Guglielmo on December 10, 2015:

very nice art.its all about creativity

Sandeep Rathore from New Delhi on December 08, 2015:

I simply love reading it.

Jonah Engler from New York, NY on December 02, 2015:

This is such a great article. Thanks!

brian lehr on December 02, 2015:

hi i think tatoos are cool

Arnab Dutta from Kolkata, India. on November 29, 2015:

It's deep. I'm glad to know how these things mean. Had no clue.

Brennan from Ballito, Kwazulunatal, South Africa on November 25, 2015:

Very informative & interesting read. I love tattoos. Have quite a few myself.

Agustin Lias from 2222 Fillmore St, Hollywood, Fl. 33020 on November 20, 2015:

Interesting, informative and instructive article. It amazes me the aesthetic analysis and interpretation of tattooed trees. I find it interesting the instructions of design and creation of originaldes images. This item exceeds the expectation generated by its title. I invite you to consult "The Meaning of Tattoos Tree".

annasmom on November 13, 2015:

Love this article! Great illustrations too!

GreenMind Guides from USA on November 11, 2015:

Good, solid hub with lots of great things to say about tattoos and their meaning. You're a really good writer and I appreciate hubbers like you. Thanks!

annasmom on November 07, 2015:

Nice article! Really liked the tree meanings!

Bangladeshnewspapers24 on November 05, 2015:

Wow! nice tattoos. There are many information about tattoo. I appreciate it.

Jean Bakula from New Jersey on November 04, 2015:

I don't have any tattoos, but loved your explanation about the trees (being a Pagan treehugger)!

TruthisReal from New York on October 27, 2015:

Great hub! You now have 200 followers :-)

Nic from London on October 09, 2015:

I love trees!

Ralph Schwartz from Idaho Falls, Idaho on September 17, 2015:

What can I say except - WOW - one of the most informative pieces I've read recently. I enjoyed the information you shared on the different kinds of trees and their meanings. I have 4 tattoos, but none are trees.....yet :)

Kristen Howe from Northeast Ohio on July 01, 2015:

Love this hub, Kat. This is pretty cool to know about the meaning of tree tattoos. Voted up!

Aimee on June 16, 2015:

I have a hawthorn tree tattoo on my back. Had 4 hours so far, hopefully an other hour or so go to and will be finished.

Robin Hartman on February 10, 2015:

Awesome! Very informative, and I guess it's good to know since I'll be getting a tree tat one day. After I get my anchor, birds, and "inhale love, exhale hate" tattoos. I have no tats now, I got some catching up to do :P

Anyway, thanks for sharing :)

Also, origin and meaning is great, but sometimes what the tattoo means to a person is far more important than what it actually means. I think tattoos are more about symbolism than origin :)

Cameron on January 02, 2015:

Its amazing to discover this information. I am always interested in the meanings and origin of tattoos. Whats even more exciting is that it no longer is seen as a taboo and is admired like art. Hoping to stumble across more articles like these, all the best.

Mark Tulin from Palm Springs, California on November 10, 2014:

Good hub. I've always been fascinated by trees. It's nice to know their symbols/meanings and how that can play out into a tattoo. Too often people get tattoos that they know little or nothing about their origin. Thanks.

Susan Caplan McCarthy from Massachusetts, USA on October 01, 2014:

Great information on the meaning of different trees. I have one tree tattoo on one calf and a dryad tattoo on the other calf.

peachy from Home Sweet Home on September 16, 2014:

nope, never, here, if you have a tattoo on the ankle, you are consider a gangster

Jasson C from 9E Franklin Avenue, Montvale, 07645, New Jersey, U.S.A. on August 02, 2014:

Excellent writing! Thank you for this wonderful source of information about tree tattoos .

Cheryl Wortman from Keizer,Oregon on July 13, 2014:

Great information, I did not know trees had meanings. What about a money tree? Bet it means money? Lol

einstein on March 07, 2014:

wow informative!!!bdw do you thinktattoos have to be bold and dark? Think again! Check out these stunning white ink tats!

Luvtoo Write from Chicago, IL on February 19, 2014:

Great examples of beautiful tattoos and what they symbolize. A must read for those thinking about getting one of their own.

EaseUp on January 06, 2014:

Hey, jus loved the way u have put down the explanation for each of the type. Really something to learn !

torrilynn on December 07, 2013:

These tree tattoos seem really beautiful and hold a lot of meaning. Thank you. Voted up.

ju on November 26, 2013:

I liked your article. I have a non-traditional custom drawn tree of life tatt. I am considering another tree for a future (soon) tattoo and found your article to be very interesting. It added more things for me to think about, which is always good before getting permanent ink on your body. Like ambercita04 said, I always think several months on a design, placement, and I research my ideas. Then I have a couple of meetings with my artist to get his opinion. Somewhere in this process is when something clicks and I just know it's right, that this is my tattoo. Then it's exciting on tattoo day because I have no doubts about my decision. It's just all fun and the needle high you get, lol

L Brander from Canada on November 08, 2013:

Loved your hub. I didn't realize that all those different types of trees came with such symbolism. Voted up, interesting, useful

BEEZKNEEZ on November 06, 2013:

I never knew that tree tattoos had so much meaning. Thanks for all the information. Great hub!

Amber from Winter Park on November 05, 2012:

Most of my tattoos have meaning. There was only one I did on a whim and of course it is my least favorite. I have been saving money to get the tree of life on my right side with its roots and branches touching parts on my front and back. I always think awhile (usually a year) before putting a tattoo on me to make sure it is meaningful to me.

Maddie Ruud from Oakland, CA on September 13, 2012:

I love how you broke down the popular meanings of various types of tree tattoos. I've never seen that done so clearly and thoroughly before.


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